Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Tips Tuesday: The Importance of Stretching

Anybody involved in athletics knows that stretching and flexibility are important aspects of injury prevention. Athletes from gymnasts to dancers to basketball players to swimmers all partake in some form of warm-up before starting the rituals of daily practice.

Flexibility allows joints to move through full range of motion, which can help keep your body protected from injury by keeping muscles pliable. Stretching can also help limit the effects of old injuries in your current training.

By increasing your flexibility you will increase the amount of movement your limbs have before an injury occurs. A definite plus when looking to prolong your career in sports!

Two types of stretching include static stretching and dynamic stretching. Static stretches include any stretch that is held for 15-30 seconds of time at a point just prior to feeling discomfort. Static stretches are best conducted after your workout to focus on increasing range of motion.
Dynamic stretches, however, are a perfect warm-up prior to a workout. These stretches are more effective at reducing muscle stiffness, so doing these exercises will decrease the likelihood of muscle tears. Warming up with dynamic stretching can increase injury prevention and preparation for your workout.

Now...talking about flexibility and the importance of stretching, take a look at this video! This guy is flexible!

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