Monday, October 26, 2009

Ankle Injury Prevention

Season ending. This is not a word you want to hear regarding an injury. Some injuries are accidents, no matter how hard you try sometimes they just happen. Other injuries, however, are preventable. These are the injuries that Gibson aims to help athletes with.

Injury prevention is an easy way to ensure that athletes get the most out of their hard work and can lead successful competition seasons.

Gymnasts put high levels of stress on their feet and ankles while training and competing. It is important to maintain strength and flexibility in the ankles to prevent overuse injuries.

The Gibson Balance Board is used for strength training in legs and ankles, as well as balance. This training tool can help keep the small muscles in a gymnast's ankles tuned-up and ready for action.

Dyna-Bands are a resistive strength training product which can help tone the muscles in the ankles. Dyna-Bands can help with weak ankles and injuries, as well as with keeping the lower leg and foot muscles and joints flexible.

The Step Stretch can be used to increase flexibility in the lower leg and ankle, thus avoiding injury. It is an excellent tool for ankle injury prevention and also for ankle rehabilitation following an injury.

Many gymnasts suffer from bruising on their heels from the repetition of high-impact skills during training. One option is to wear a heel protector. A heel protector offers protection for bare-feet with shock absorption and ankle support.

HAPPY TRAINING! Keep those injuries under control!

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