Friday, May 15, 2009


In an attempt to extend President Barack Obama's rapidly evolving to do list, more than 30 national health, fitness, medical and scientific organizations recently called for a greater focus on physical fitness to help combat the nation's health care crisis.

"We ask you to focus.. on the important role of phyisical activity in preventing and managing numerous and troubling health problems in the United States," read a letter to the President dated March 13 and signed by representatives from, among other groups, the American Council on Exercise, Pop Warner Football, the Womens Sports Foundation, and the International Health, Racquet and SportsClub Association. It also urged Obama to consider the value of promoting increased fitness for all Americanswhen appointing the new US surgeon general and directors of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

A week before that letter was mailed, at least 100 physical education teachers, sports and fitness industry leaders and celebrity athletes met with members of Congress for the 10th anniversary of National health Through Fitness Day in Washington DC. They lobbied for the continued existence of the Physical Education for Progress bill, which has provided millions of dollars in grants to school districts and other organizations that support innovative PE methods, as well as for the passage of the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) bill, which would encourage increased physical activity by making fitness and recreatoin programs around the country more affordable through the use of pre-tax dollars.

Recent studies indicate that more than 150 million Americans over the age of 20 are either overweight or obese, and by some estimates, 20 percent of all children in the country will be obese by as early as next year. "That trend needs to be halted," says Bill Sells, vice president of government relations for the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association, which sponsors National Health Through Fitness Day. " If not, our nation's healthcare costs could reach $4 trillion by 2015.

Gibson Athletic is a strong advocate of healthy living and personal fitness. What ever you need to assist you in this quest for personal health and fitness please visit or call 1-800-275-5999.

Source: Michael Popke, Athletic Business Magazine.

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